Blinky Grid Kit

Scroll messages and animations across an LED matrix, and reprogram it by holding it up to your screen

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Scroll messages and animations across an LED matrix, and reprogram it by holding it up to your screen. It has 56 LEDs in a 7x8 array, and can display text and animations in a variety of ways. It is a standalone kit.

See it in action!

Scrolling messages

Updating through the website

More details are available on the Blinky project page.

Kit Contents

The kit contains a Blinky Grid printed circuit board, a battery holder with switch, 56 (and usually a few extra) red or blue LEDs, a 14 pin chip socket, a preprogrammed PIC16F1823 microcontroller, two 10 kΩ resistors, two ambient light sensors, a 0.1uF ceramic capacitor, and a 6mm push button.

The contents are also listed and explained individually on the Parts List portion of the Blinky project page.

Build it

The Blinky Grid is a through-hole kit. It requires basic soldering skill. At a minimum, you'll need a soldering iron, solder, and a diagonal cutters. It requires 2 AA batteries for red, and 3 AA batteries for blue, which are not included. Clear instructions are available at the Blinky project webpage.

It usually takes about an hour to build, but it may take more or less time depending upon your experience with soldering.

Open Source Hardware

This kit is open source hardware. We make the hardware source files like the schematic and the pcb files available for anyone to use as long as they credit us and release any modifications as open source hardware. The schematic and pcb files are available on the Blinky download page.


When you're finished building the kit, let us know how it went! We use feedback to improve future versions of our kits, and the warm fuzzies help us make more kits! Let us know in the forum or via email.